Sunday 20 November 2011

Film Plot

The film of our film consists of a teenage boy who is bullied at school for having no friends and being a computer game nerd. He starts playing the violent game named 'Death Town' which has been banned and taken off shelves across the country. When he plays the game, he enters a trance and begins to re enact the game's violent nature by murdering his enemies.

The character himself is unaware of what he is doing, and during the course of the film the audience learn that he is the one killing people, creating a state of Dramatic Irony, similar to how it was used by Shakespeare in his plays such as in 'Romeo and Juliet', where the cast think Juliet is dead but the audience know she has only taken a sleeping potion.

Towards the end of the film, the rest of the cast discover who is the murderer and eventually catch him and he is admitted to a mental institution and into confinement. The film ends with him escaping and leaving the door open to potential sequel(s)

Todorov's Theory can be applied to our film by the calm of the start of the film of a teenage who enjoys playing video games. As the film goes on, the agent of disruption (the teenager) causing unsettlement and disquiet by murdering his enemies and the mystery surrounding who the murderer is. There is a renewed state of belief when the teenage is stopped and the chaos has ended, though at the very end there is further disruption as he escapes, breaking away from Todorov's narrative theory.


This year I will be working in a group to create a film concept that will appeal to niche audience and gain a large fan base. We will create the film's trailer, a poster and a magazine cover to promote, market and advertise our film.

The genre of film we will be creating is Horror, but with undertones of an action film, creating a hybrid in order to attract fans of both genre films. The plot of the film focuses on a teenage boy who is manipulated by a violent video game and goes on to violently murder his enemies in a similar way to in the video game. Our target audience is people in their late teens and early twenties, along with fans of video games as it focuses on a video games and it's effects.

Instead of having a worldwide institution making our film such as Universal or Paramount, we will create our very own institution, called RRT Productions.  Our film's unique selling point is the realism behind it and that in the media, it has been argued that video games can have an effect on people, and this film will show what would happen if they did, another aspect of the film that is unique is that it focuses on the murderer of the film instead of the people being murdered

Monday 2 May 2011

Final Post of Year 12 Project

Name: Ryan Joseph Morgan
Candidate Number: 7210
School Name: John F Kennedy School
Chosen Brief Print:

  • Front Cover of Music Magazine
  • Contents Page of Music Magazine
  • Double Page Spread of Music Magazine
Here is my final draft of my Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread


Tuesday 26 April 2011

Final Designs for Music Magazine Front Cover, Contents Page and Double Page Spread

After taking feedback when work was in progress I have completed my designs for my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Work in Process - Audience Feedback towards Music Magazines

Part way during the process of designing my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread I proceeded to get audience feedback from my peers, family members and friend to try and improve my design for them. I have annotated my draft designs to show what people have said, with the positive comments highlighted in green and the negative comments highlighted in red

From this task I have learnt how I can now improve my designs. 
I plan to:
  • Add more information to the Front Cover, more stories.
  • Make the main story take up less space on the contents page so it doesn't neglect the other stories
  • Get a more fitting photo for the contents page
  • Change the colours on the Double Page Spread background
  • Change the colour of writing and boxes to make it easier to read
  • Divide up the boxes differently
  • Add a group photo of the band to the double page spread
  • Try and make it look More professional

Post Photo Shoot

After the photoshoot there was a selection of photos that were not good enough to use in my music magazine. Here I have given a few examples of the photos I did not use and why I didn't use them

I then settled on which photos I would use in my designs. These are the photos I chose and why:
All looking at the camera, grabs attention, have attitude

Looking into the camera, connects with the reader

Looking at the camera and smiling, looks happy and as if he is having fun

Cheeky grin, looks happy and as if he is having fun, will help the readers connect with him

Giggling, having fun which connects with the reader

Messing about in the studio, makes the band look fun.

I have also taken this photo which I took at a gig I attended which I may use on my contents page. It looks effective as the singer is in the centre of the page and the focus of the photo

Music Magazine Photoshoot plan

Next I planned my photoshoot that I need for my music magazine. I wrote down what shot was needed, how many people, what their costume would be, if there were any props required, where the shoot(s) would take place and what camera would be used to take the photo

Monday 25 April 2011

Masthead Design

After trying out possible fonts for my masthead/logo I settle on the 'Stencil' font (shown below)
I chose this font because it is big, bold and stands out as quite 'military', which references the Indie/Rock genre attitude of being rebellious that I mentioned in my digitial collage. It also references the idea that music fans are like armies to their favourite bands.

I then decided to edit this to make it stand out more and give it an edge, something different. I used the 'Fireworks' program to add 'Bevel' to the font to make it stand out and look like it's coming off the page at you and make it look like it's really there, not just on a magazine cover. I made the 'E' of 'ECHO' red to add some colour to the logo, but kept the main colour as black with red as a secondary colour to fit in the with my chosen genre's attitudes.

I also created the same logo but with white instead of black so it could be used on the magazine where the background is dark so it could be seen clearly

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Sketch Design Ideas

After deciding on the name ECHO for my magazine I sketched three possible front covers, a contents page and a double page spread as design ideas for my music magazine to help decide what font/colours/layout I will use

These designs helped me decide what font, layout, style and colour scheme I will be using for my magazine

After using my mind-map to brainstorm possible ideas for the name of my magazine I settle on the name 'ECHO'. I chose this because it is simple but also has a lot of impact. It could also reference the echoing of music or rumours etc which will be in the magazine. Next I decided to try out different fonts that could be used for the masthead and logo

Monday 18 April 2011

I have designed a mindmap to help decide what would be included in the magazine, who the target audience is and possible names for the magazine