Monday 25 April 2011

Masthead Design

After trying out possible fonts for my masthead/logo I settle on the 'Stencil' font (shown below)
I chose this font because it is big, bold and stands out as quite 'military', which references the Indie/Rock genre attitude of being rebellious that I mentioned in my digitial collage. It also references the idea that music fans are like armies to their favourite bands.

I then decided to edit this to make it stand out more and give it an edge, something different. I used the 'Fireworks' program to add 'Bevel' to the font to make it stand out and look like it's coming off the page at you and make it look like it's really there, not just on a magazine cover. I made the 'E' of 'ECHO' red to add some colour to the logo, but kept the main colour as black with red as a secondary colour to fit in the with my chosen genre's attitudes.

I also created the same logo but with white instead of black so it could be used on the magazine where the background is dark so it could be seen clearly

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