Tuesday 26 April 2011

Work in Process - Audience Feedback towards Music Magazines

Part way during the process of designing my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread I proceeded to get audience feedback from my peers, family members and friend to try and improve my design for them. I have annotated my draft designs to show what people have said, with the positive comments highlighted in green and the negative comments highlighted in red

From this task I have learnt how I can now improve my designs. 
I plan to:
  • Add more information to the Front Cover, more stories.
  • Make the main story take up less space on the contents page so it doesn't neglect the other stories
  • Get a more fitting photo for the contents page
  • Change the colours on the Double Page Spread background
  • Change the colour of writing and boxes to make it easier to read
  • Divide up the boxes differently
  • Add a group photo of the band to the double page spread
  • Try and make it look More professional

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