Sunday 20 November 2011

Film Plot

The film of our film consists of a teenage boy who is bullied at school for having no friends and being a computer game nerd. He starts playing the violent game named 'Death Town' which has been banned and taken off shelves across the country. When he plays the game, he enters a trance and begins to re enact the game's violent nature by murdering his enemies.

The character himself is unaware of what he is doing, and during the course of the film the audience learn that he is the one killing people, creating a state of Dramatic Irony, similar to how it was used by Shakespeare in his plays such as in 'Romeo and Juliet', where the cast think Juliet is dead but the audience know she has only taken a sleeping potion.

Towards the end of the film, the rest of the cast discover who is the murderer and eventually catch him and he is admitted to a mental institution and into confinement. The film ends with him escaping and leaving the door open to potential sequel(s)

Todorov's Theory can be applied to our film by the calm of the start of the film of a teenage who enjoys playing video games. As the film goes on, the agent of disruption (the teenager) causing unsettlement and disquiet by murdering his enemies and the mystery surrounding who the murderer is. There is a renewed state of belief when the teenage is stopped and the chaos has ended, though at the very end there is further disruption as he escapes, breaking away from Todorov's narrative theory.

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