Sunday 20 November 2011


This year I will be working in a group to create a film concept that will appeal to niche audience and gain a large fan base. We will create the film's trailer, a poster and a magazine cover to promote, market and advertise our film.

The genre of film we will be creating is Horror, but with undertones of an action film, creating a hybrid in order to attract fans of both genre films. The plot of the film focuses on a teenage boy who is manipulated by a violent video game and goes on to violently murder his enemies in a similar way to in the video game. Our target audience is people in their late teens and early twenties, along with fans of video games as it focuses on a video games and it's effects.

Instead of having a worldwide institution making our film such as Universal or Paramount, we will create our very own institution, called RRT Productions.  Our film's unique selling point is the realism behind it and that in the media, it has been argued that video games can have an effect on people, and this film will show what would happen if they did, another aspect of the film that is unique is that it focuses on the murderer of the film instead of the people being murdered

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