Thursday 10 May 2012

Trailer Planning: Props, costume and Location

After deciding on our plan for our film trailer as a group we had to decide on the logistics of the trailer and how we were going film it. We started by organising what Props and costumes we'd need and where the location for our filming would be:

The Props we would require include:

  • Games Console -  For use in the trailer, to be used as an outlet for the game to be played on in scenes of the trailer. Our main character will play on the games console.
  • Games Console Controller - Will be used in the trailer as our main character holds it while playing on the game
  • Television - Will be used in the trailer, as the main characters plays the game, he will be staring at the television
  • News Desk - In the trailer the news reader will be sat behind a desk as if he was reading the news.
In addition to the props we required we made note of the costume our actors would need to be in:
  • Main character - In the scenes while playing on the console, he will need to be dressed in dark casual clothing but in the scenes in the school corridor he will need to be wearing smart clothing in order to look realistic
  • News Reader - In the News scenes, the presenter will need to be dressed in a shirt and tie in order to give a professional and authentic impression.
  • The Bullies - Will need to be dressed similarly to the main character in the corridor scene, as they will also be at school, possibly dressed a little scruffier to indicate they are the bullies.
After deciding on the props and costumes for our trailer, we focused on the locations we would need to film in to create a successful trailer:
  • Bedroom - For the scenes of our main character playing the game, we require a bedroom as the set for this scenes. It will need to be dimly lit to create a sense of mystery and suspense.
  • School Corridor - A long school corridor with lockers either side, this will allow our main character to walk down the corridor before being confronted by the bullies. I would preferably need to be empty and quiet to allow for the focus to be on the main character.
  • Media Suite - The same place in which I took photos for my magazine cover, the white backdrop will need to be used to create a professional and slick look for the presenter to read the news stories out

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