Thursday 10 May 2012

Evaluation Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We posted our trailer on YouTube so people could view our trailer and give us feedback on it. We then would post the link for it on Facebook and also on Twitter so more people could view it and share the opinions on it. The feedback we received helped us discover the flaws in the trailer so for the next draft it could be improved.

Here are some examples of comments that were posted on the first and second draft of our trailers. This qualitative data helped improve our final products as we gained the opinions of people 

After it was uploaded to YouTube, the link to the video was posted on my Facebook profile. This gave the trailer a wider audience and it was open to comments, and here are some examples. They were constructive comments and helped with the process of re-editing.

The link for the video was also ‘Tweeted’ on Twitter to allow more people to view it and here are some of the replies from people who wanted to share their views on the trailer.

I used the website Wordle to create a word cloud for the feedback I received for my Film Poster and Magazine cover.
Here is the word cloud containing words that people used to describe my Film Poster:

Here is the word cloud containing words that people used to describe my Magazine Cover:

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