Thursday 10 May 2012

Feedback we received for our First Draft of our Trailer

After we uploaded our trailer and shared we asked people to give us some feedback on it. Here is some of the feedback we received on Facebook:

People thought that the music should be played throughout the trailer, we took this feedback on board and went back onto 'iMovie' and tried re-editing, we found that although it would be good to have the music throughout the trailer, it would ruin the news cast scenes and as we believed that they were essential to our trailer. We discussed this as a group and kept this part how it is.

We also received feedback through comments on YouTube, here are some examples of them:
Looking at the comments we received we learnt that the news scene could be more realistic. We discussed as a group how we could improve this scene, we decided to replace the actor playing the Presenter with someone who is older and fits the part more, and get them look directly at the camera instead of at the sheet of paper. This constructive criticism ultimately aided the process and we improved our trailer.

We also presented our trailer to the class and after listening to their comments we changed the colour of our production company logo from the original Red to the light/blue teal that was used throughout the trailer and on our ancillary texts. We also added another scene to come up at the end of the trailer of our main character slowing walking down the corridor, as our peers had commented that he should be the final shot of the trailer, instead of the news reader

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